heyh peeps, naddy here. :]Have to post somethng here, need too.
i guess blog ini gonna be rotten soon, hmph.
Aha, okayy loh, moving on.
Perhaps, i've got nothng to post about nef about what's going on recently.
Erbira & me been keeping in touch always.
well, erica & erinia.
Idk ehh, :/
The four of us, were planning to get our homework done before school reopen.
lol, macam bbnb. :D
*budak baru nak belajar*.
but, frankly.
I'm so lazy when it comes to school & studiess.
hmph, dalah.
this will be a short post for today.
btw, Naddy here been thinking to follow lex for the outing ke tidak eh.
Sentosa? on tuesday?
hmmm. :]
okay goodbye. I'm so busy with somethng right now,
have to post about yesterday & stuffs in my bloggy.
Sorry for not spending much time in nef here.
well, cannot depend on only one person right? :]
tc tc. hehs.
Syahirah's here. Idk what to post. Korangkorang, rajinrajin post kay? Jadi ini blog tidak mati. Hehee! Okay, Nadya will edit this blog more. That's all. Calobeteh! :]