Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 6:45 PM
Saturday's outing turn out to be such an awesome! East Coast Park, it is. NEFEKESE plus Appy & his friend. It's actually 1 monthsary of Appy & Farina's relationship.
Cheydebah, 1 month sei ^^ Farina & Kazira brought some food that their mummy made for us.
Sooodddaaaap! Sandwhich & Fried rice for 6. Me & Naddy didn't brought anything. As.. Okay, forget it. So, from 12 'till 5pm. How's that? Sunburn much huh? Hahahaha.
Skin zebra-crossing :D We were having great time at there. Serious! We swam.. We ate.. We gossip.. We crack jokes.. We took pictures.. What's more? Our friendship is getting more tighter. That's what I love. Even if we have our own attitude, personalities, who cares. We know each other for 1 year. Even if we fought together, we 4 knows that we will surely get back.
Macam elephant glue! ^_^ Oh ya, the pictures.. Just hop in to Naddy's blog or Syahirah's blog. Or, just view our facebook. Okay, done!
Posted by:- Nur Syahirah Mohamed Sha'rani <3
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 9:10 PM
Been long since we've been posting. MYE is gone. So basically we studied. Who wants a "retain" kan? Haha, so yea. We told you readers that we will be having our party. Sadly, it has been cancelled. Cause, we just realised that it was held on exam week itself. So, no. We decided to change the date. Naddy will do the venue. The rest, maybe on food? Haha, yea think so. June holiday is coming. Yet, we 4 have not yet plan where to go. Hahs, I believe, we 4 will have our last minute plans. Wild Wild Wet? Sentosa? Hahaha, Idk.
Syahirah, Lost Her Wallet.
Syahirah:- Orang yang amik tu, kesingkitan duit. Sebab tu, amik beg duit orang. Memang dasar FAS betul! -.-
Naddy, just updated the blog song and stuffs. Kirekan, modified uh? haha
Naddy:- Anyway, enjoy the song. It's one of our favourite. Thanky for visits, keep the comments rolling. :}
Alright, hopefully NEFEKESE will find a space to update this blog regularly.
Posted By:- Nur Syahirah Mohammed Sha'rani.
[re-edited by Puteri Nadia ]